Source code for tdsxtract.helpers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Benjamin Vial
# License: MIT

from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as npo
import scipy.signal as signal
from scipy.constants import c

[docs] def pos2time(position): """Converts stage position to time shift. Parameters ---------- position : array The position of the stage (in m). Returns ------- array Corresponding time shift (in s). Notes ----- 2*position since 2 paths of the laser are shifted on the delay stage """ time = 2 * position / c return time
[docs] def smooth(data, cutoff=0.05, order=3): """Data smoothing. Parameters ---------- data : array The data to smooth. cutoff : float Filter cutoff frequency (the default is 0.05). order : int Filter order (the default is 3). Returns ------- smooth_data: array Smoothed data. """ # Buterworth filter B, A = signal.butter(order, cutoff, output="ba") smooth_data = signal.filtfilt(B, A, data) return smooth_data
[docs] def get_epsilon_estimate(voltage_reference, voltage_sample, time, sample_thickness): """Get a rough estimate of the permittivity value. Parameters ---------- voltage_reference : array Reference voltage. voltage_sample : array Sample voltage. time : array Time steps (in s). sample_thickness : float Thickness of the sample (in m). Returns ------- epsilon_estimate: float Permittivity estimate. """ # Find the peak of the TD signals to calculate time delay # then the bulk refractive index ref_max = npo.argmax(voltage_reference) samp_max = npo.argmax(voltage_sample) t0 = time[ref_max] t1 = time[samp_max] # Good guess for bulk refractive index here epsilon_estimate = ((t1 - t0) * c / (sample_thickness) + 1) ** 2 return epsilon_estimate
[docs] def fft(time, signal): """Fourier transform. Parameters ---------- time : array The time points. signal : array Signal amplitude. Returns ------- frequencies: array Frequencies (in Hz). fourier_transform: array Fourier transform of the signal. """ fourier_transform = npo.fft.rfft(signal) N = len(fourier_transform) fs = 1 / npo.gradient(time) frequencies = fs[0:N] * npo.linspace(0, 1 / 2, N) return frequencies, fourier_transform
[docs] def restrict(x, min=None, max=None): if max is None: index_max = len(x) else: index_max = npo.argmin(abs(x - max)) if min is None: index_min = 0 else: index_min = npo.argmin(abs(x - min)) x_restrict = x[index_min:index_max] return x_restrict, index_min, index_max